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Sick husband.
Hold me

Self Portrait

The kids got new hermit crabs for Christmas.
I love them alot.
I think I was put on this Earth to take care of living creatures.
Except snakes.
And sick husbands.

Princess shoes really make Princess happy!
Picture #280857946 of my children's feet

"Yay! Santa brought me the country guitar I wanted!!!!!"
Out of the adorable mouth of middle child.

Homemade ornaments make me happy

Princess` Preschool Christmas Party

Branches indoors.
Alot of frickin snow outdoors.

I love, love, love my children's homemade ornaments.

The cutest lil' gingerbread house decorator in the world.
Along with her big brothers.

Holy huge smile Batman.

Snow, snow, go away.

Ok. I admit, I am finding it difficult to take pics every single day. I find myself walking through the hosue just taking pics of random things for the purpose of having something to post.
2011's project will be different.
But fun.

Winter has arrived.


Youngest Child

Oldest Child.


Having a bath by candlelight.
A bath prepared by a husband who realized I needed it.

The friendly greeting on the door of middle child's bedroom.

This is what Princess likes to wear around the house on a daily basis.
I let her.
Just because it is so frickin cute.

Father and daughter.

Can someone come organize my fridge please?

This is all I have for today.

Losing 2 pets in less than 2 weeks is pretty crappy.

She is fascinated.

Tree #1 is up.

We played Hangman tonight.
The boys argued alot.
This was my puzzle for them to figure out.
They did.
The arguing didnt stop.

Yes, my children stood at the end of the driveway trying to sell a bucket of soft dirt.
No, they didnt sell it.

Busy's brother turned 30 something this week.
Miraculous considering just a few months ago he was in a serious motorcycle accident./center>

I love story time with my kids.
But reading the same story every single night gets a little old.
Especially when it really isn't a story book...but instead a song book.
And the only song that my 2 year old daughter wants to sing is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.