
Design By:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 243

I confess.
I forgot to take my picture today.
So instead, I will post a pic taken yesterday.
Just because it is my blog and I cannot skip a day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 242

On giant tube.
Pure joy.

Day 241

Day 240

Day 239

Hubby + Tractor = True Love

Day 238

Busy's favourite piece of clothing.
His work boots.

Day 237

Cara Cara oranges are my new favourite snack.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 236

Not to toot my own horn, but a Mother who takes her children to a reptile zoo for the second year in row deserves a reward.

Day 235

I love aprons.
I could never have enough.
I just don't know where I can put them so I can see them at all times.

The End.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 234

Our fence is starting to look like a fence!

Day 233

If I was paid $1 for every load of laundry I have ever done, I would hire someone to do my laundry for me.

Day 232

Cute x 1000

Day 231

From the outside {our deck} looking in {the window}.
Our tomato plants have gotten so big and heavy, that I find big green tomatoes in the dirt.
So Momma brings them in to her sunny window so they can turn red.
This gardening stuff is fun.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 230

My dirty, tanned, bare, need to be polished toes, veiny, long, skinny feet.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 229

May you always love jewellery.
And wear many bracelets all at once.
May you always raise your arm so they dont fall off.
And may you find a Prince who enjoys buying you the most expensive jewels in the store.

Day 228


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 227

So the business is closing.
Today was our last day with access to the building so my wonderful hubby took some pictures.
This is the desk.
Engraved are the initials of my hubby, his brother, his father and his first three grandchildren.

Day 226

No.  You cannot have them.
They are mine.  And I love them madly.

Day 225

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 224

October 1979-August 2010
This business was started by my hubby's father when my hubby was just 4 years old.
This business supported his family.
This business was family run since it's very first day.
This business was enjoyed by thousands....and thousands....and thousands.
This business will be missed by many.

Day 223

John Mayer concert.
August 11, 2010.
One word.

Day 222

Studley smiling makes me smile.
Gosh darn, I love the old fart.

Day 221

Chocolate chips.
Butterscotch chips.
Graham cracker crumbs.

A few of my favourite things in one yummy treat.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 220

Did you know that if you plant squash and pumpkins in the same garden, that you will get many, many gourds?
Yeah, neither did we.
Until now.

Day 219

My husband's family has owned a business in our town for over 30 years.
The town is growing.
The road the business is going to be the same in a few months.
Sadly, the business is closing.

Day 218

A near tragic accident happened today to a much loved family member.
A miracle happened today.
We are forever grateful.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 217

Bunny Nose.

Day 216

My middle child knows what he likes and what he dislikes.
If you disagree...well....he doesn't really care and will tell you.

My middle child only wears jeans (when he wears long pants) and he will roll up the bottoms even if they don't need to be.
I don't like it.
He doesn't care.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 215

My beautiful, adorable, hilarious niece out on the boat.

Day 214

Today was my family reunion.
This is a picture of everyone at the very first family gathering, when my grandfather was just a young boy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 213